Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hey Look At me I Have a Blueray DVD!!!! by Tod

Wow, my bosses sure like me so much. Last night at the 25th Annual WMTDS employee appreciation dinner and dance, my lady boss, Mrs. Douglas, presented me with a "Good Time Achievement Award for Good Work" that was a BlueRay player and also a dvd of the movie Iron Mans. What a surprise! Thank you Lady Douglas.

First I can review the BlueRay player from the company Magnavox Brands. What a good machine! It is black and kind of square shaped and will accept up to one blueray disc at a times. The sticker on the box say the model is the "Refurbished".

Now on to the movie.

Now I will review the movie.

The movie I am reviewing is the DVD release of America's number one blockbuster IRON:MANS. Starring Morton Downey Jr., Gweenith Paltrow, Cuba Gooding Jr., (Wow lots of juniors!) and Yul Brenner as Iron Mongrel.

First let me say that the picture on this DVD is incredulous! You can see all of the details of the movie. One time I was looking a Toni Starks {SPOILER ALERT!!} who is also Iron Mans, and I thought I saw a booger on his nose. I laughed so much that I almost passed out! LMAO ROLF LOL! Then when {SPOILER ALERT!!} when Tony almost dies in a missile attack while serving his country in Iraq you see blood meat come out of his best friends head and it seems very realistic!! These are just one of the details you can see. I will not turn back from Blu-Ray now!

The movie itself is very good. I liked watching Tony Starks go from a poor soldier in Iraq to rich regular man in California. What a insperational story. Tony has a beautiful girl named Potsy Potts (Gweenith Platrow) who lives in his house. If I was Tony I would kiss Potsy Potts's neck late at night and see her without clothing. BUT TONY STARKS IS ONLY IN LOVE WITH HIMSELF!!!! This is a movie that I will see again and again. Buy a copy TODAY!!

Buy 4 copies of IronMans on blueray today and also buy the other Iron Mans as well as this handy IronMans childrens sized costume also for just $135.94 plus shipping and handling.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, TOD!! Lady Douglas must sure think a great deal of you giving you a "refurbished" player!! That must be an incredible feeling. I wanted to wish you congratulations on your success at WMTDS! You deserve it more than anyone I know. I also thank you for the recommendations of the magnavox player and the Iron Mans movie. I cannot wait to see it. Morton Downey Jr. was always one of my favorite shows to wach - man that guy could wear the socks! I thought he had passed, but I guess not and I am psyched! Also, I love Cuba and haven't seen him since he did Daddy Day Camp (thank goodness Eddie was busy, cause Cuba sent that one to the moon!), and I love Gweenith's website GOOP (I signed up for the newsletter, but I guess I wasn't goop enough cause I never got it). Oh well, thanks again! I will be buying the set you recommended and will look for the same Magnavox player you have. CONGRATS again Tod - you RULE!
